Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst
Dear Champions,
The short excerpt is by Susan Neder, and the Scripture is Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
True hunger and thirst are a matter of life and death and reveal deep and profound needs. They are cravings which don't end unless they are satisfied. In spiritual well-being, hunger and thirst for righteousness are the same thing: A real need which must be satisfied if we are to be healthy. A characteristic of a child of God is this craving which must be satisfied.
We can be invited to a banquet with all of our favorite foods but have no appetite for them if we eat a lot of junk food just before the banquet. Likewise, we can lose our appetite for Christ if our lives are too busy for Him or if we feed our mind with spiritual junk food and unwholesomeness.
Looking at life in America today reveals great driving hungers, a restlessness, always looking for something else, something more, something that will satisfy, something that will entertain. There is a sense that something is missing even when things are going well. The deepest things of this life do not satisfy because they weren't created to satisfy us. We were created to be satisfied completely by a relationship with the one who made us.
We could talk for days about what righteousness is, but basically it means being like Jesus. If we are truly hungering and thirsting after righteousness, after God Himself, He promises that we will be given what we desire. We will never fill ourselves with righteousness. Instead, it comes in a very different way. Our hungering and thirsting is satisfied in the person of Jesus Christ alone.
If we hungering and thirsting after this righteousness, it will show. People who really want something always give evidence of that fact and do not just sit down, passively waiting for it to come. They actively pursue what they desire. The more we are filled with Him by meeting Him in prayer and in the Bible, the more we hunger and thirst for more of Him, never having enough because He is so wonderful.
Champions, have a great week!-David Vining