Thursday, November 7, 2013

All Stories Point to Jesus

All Stories Point to Jesus

Dear Champions,

The short excerpt is by Tim Keller, and the scripture is in the excerpt.

It's interesting that the two English authors who are the most read authors in the English speaking language in the 20th century were friends.  One of them led the other one to Jesus Christ.  One was an atheist (C.S. Lewis), and one was a Christian (J. R. Tolkien).  They took a long walk one day on the grounds of Magdalen College in Oxford, and Tolkien led Lewis to Christ by talking about heroes.  Lewis said, "I love the old stories of ancient heroes.  They really stir me up.  What a shame they're all myths."  And Tolkien responded, "But they're not all myths.  You know the story of Sleeping Beauty.  It points to the truth that true love can break the most powerful evil spell.  The story of Beauty and the Beast points to the truth that sacrificial love can transform the greatest horror.  And Jesus -- what a great story!  He's born in a manger, and the king tries to kill Him but He's saved at the last minute, snatched away, and escapes.  Then He grows up, and He takes on the great oppressive forces of life and of the world.  They take Him on, and they kill Him.  But, no -- He's raised from the dead! 

Here's what the wonder of the gospel is.  Jesus Christ is not one more story pointing to those great truths.  Jesus Christ is the truth to which all the great stories point.  In other words, Jesus Christ comes into the world saying, "I am the Prince who can break the spell with My kiss.  I am the Beauty who can transform the beast.  I'm the Hero of heroes, and I've entered into the world's story.  I'm going to put down every villain, and someday every tear will be wiped away (Revelation 21:4).  So come with Me, and I will enter into your life and be the Hero of your story.  Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will take the pressure off you -- and I will give you rest."(Matthew 11:28-30)

Believe the true story of Jesus.

Champions, have a great week!-David Vining