Thursday, February 18, 2010

Let Your Yes Be Yes

Let Your Yes Be Yes

 Dear Champions,

This past Sunday was Valentine s Day, so I wanted to share a few thoughts.

Last week one of my students told his girl friend that he loved her.  My 7th graders know exactly how I think about that. I expect a guy and a girl that are going out or dating that tell each other that they love each other to get engaged and get married. 

Love is a decision and a commitment, and it is not a feeling. No couple will always feel in love with each other because we all get aggravated with each other from time to time. For a married person to tell his spouse that he does not love her anymore is an incorrect statement when you know what the word love really means in relationships. If love is a decision and a commitment, then you cannot fall out of love.

Do I really expect my 7th grade guy to get a ring and marry his girlfriend?  Of course not. But what I hope is that he will stop misusing the word love.  Matthew 5:37 says Simply let your Yes be Yes, and your No, No; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

In other words, mean what you say and say what you mean.  Let your word be true. Say that you love your dating partner only when you have made a decision to be committed to that person for the rest of your life.  You cannot fall out of love when you know what the word love really means.

Champions, have a great week!-David Vining