Thursday, February 4, 2010

Have a Great Day!

Have a Great Day!
Dear Champions,
Psalm 118:24  This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
On Friday, January 29, 2010, Jim Daddy Miller, senior director of Camp Greystone, went home to heaven.  Attitude is the key, winners we will be was part of the Breakfast Club song that we sang every morning before he inspired us all with words or wisdom and with corny and sometimes funny jokes.  Never have I met a man that was as positive and as encouraging as this man.  He believed and taught us all that everyday was a great day and that we should make the most of it.  He made it a point to leave every person that he met feel better about him or herself after he interacted with them.
Once I was interacting with some students here in Chattanooga, TN, and a woman that I had never met before walked by and told me that I reminded her of a friend of hers from North Carolina named Jim Miller from Camp Greystone.  What a complement!  It was at that moment that I realized the incredible impact that he had on me and on others.  Because of his life, so many of us have been changed, blessed and impacted.  His life of enthusiasm, love and positive attitude left a mark on all of our lives. 
I miss my friend Jim Miller, and I am so blessed that I got to know him and become his friend.  May God help us to honor his life by helping us to make everyday a great day and to try and leave people better off after they have been around us.  And in the same way, may our light shine before men, that they may see our good deeds and praise our Father in heaven.  (Matthew 5:16)
Thank you Jim Daddy for letting your light shine before me so that we could see your good deeds and praise our Father in heaven.
Champions, have a great day, a great week, and may you feel terrific!-David Vining