Thursday, December 3, 2009

God is Our Head Coach

God is Our Head Coach
Dear Champions,
The short excerpt is by former Redskins coach Joe Gibbs from his book Gameplan For Life, and the Scripture is Matthew 4:19  Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men.
When I came to believe that God had created me and that I was no accident, I should have been willing to let God be in charge of my life, but that realization came much later for me.
Football players have to let their coach be in charge.  For many of them, that is not easy.  One of my favorite guys to coach was quarterback Joe Theismann.  He had a passion to succeed, but left to his own wishes, he would have liked to call every play.  He was the type of player who would rather kneel in the huddle and draw up a play in the dirt than let the coach call the plays.
At our quarterback meeting before my very first preseason game with the Redskins, I outlined an involved game plan that we had been laboring over all week.  Then I made the mistake of asking if anybody had anything to add.  Well, Theisman had a million suggestions-things he saw, things he wanted to try.  Finally, I had to interrupt him and remind him of who was in charge, that there was already a game plan in place, and that it was his job to carry it out.
Everyone seems to have an idea about God, but only one view of God can be correct.  It does not make sense that He can be something different for every person.  If that were true, we would be guilty of creating God in our own image, rather than the other way around. Everybody is going to follow somebody.  In football, it is the head coach, and in life it is God.
Champions, have a great week!-David Vining