Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Promise Keeping & Sacrifice

Promise Keeping & Sacrifice

Dear Champions,


The following is from Stu Webber, and the verses are as follows:  Ecclesiastes 5:5 It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it.  


Promise making and keeping is at the heart of godliness.  At the heart of God-at the very core of His nature-is the making and keeping of promises.  All the Scripture hangs on a promise-a series of covenants.


Linda (Stu Weber's wife) and I married just over a quarter century ago.  Out of the whole world, we chose each other.  The power of that choice, that promise, has kept us.  There is no question in either of our minds that we could find a "better mate."  There is always someone out there better than you.  There will always be someone more beautiful, intelligent, wealthy, witty, competent, sensitive, or sensual.  That's a nonissue to Linda and me.  The toxin of comparison has been utterly neutralized and washed away by the sacred anti-toxin of a promise.


Understand that the heart of staying power is SACRIFICE-giving one's self up for the good of another.  For the ultimate example of staying power, our eyes have only to lock in on the Lord Jesus Christ.  When He could have turned away from the cross, He stayed on course, setting His face like a flint, all the way to Calvary.  When He could have come down from the cross and sidestepped the suffering, He stayed.  When He could have summoned armies of angels to deliver Him and called down divine air strikes on His adversaries, He stayed.  He persevered and "stayed under" all the way until that moment came when He could cry out, "It is finished!"


Champions, have a great week!-David Vining