Wisdom Leads to Humility
Dear Champions,
The short excerpt is by Andy Stanley and the scripture is in the excerpts.
The idea is that in marriage two people submit and serve one another as they submit to the authority of their heavenly Father. They are ultimately accountable to God. When I got married I understood that Sandra was always going to be more committed to her heavenly Father than to me. She was hoping that I would always be more committed to my heavenly Father than I was to her. This is what a Christian marriage looks like under God’s authority. This is the ideal and the model marriage.
If you are dating someone, and he’s a Christian, that is not enough. What you want is a Christian that understands that he or she operates their lives under the authority of God. This isn’t about leveraging something for yourself, but it is about serving someone under the authority of God.
For this to work it requires massive doses of humility, and this does not come naturally. Self preservation, defending myself, guarding my wounds and insecurities comes naturally, but not humility. When we see a humble person we find that person attractive. When we see an arrogant person we find that person repulsive. Yet there is something in me and in most of you and definitely in most of us men that wants to guard our place, defend our opinions, never be wrong, always be right, always win the argument and always push back. We do this either overtly, or we become passive aggressive. There is something in us that is very difficult to defer or to submit ourselves to other people because that requires humility. To have an incredible relationship requires massive doses of humility.
Wisdom leads to humility which leads to great wisdom (a paraphrase of James 3:13). The only way to gain wisdom is to be open to new things and to be open to the fact that you might be wrong. You have to hold your assumptions about all things in an open hand. Here is what I believe and have always thought, but I’m always open to learning something new. Humility leads to wisdom, but wisdom requires humility.
Champions, have a great week!-David Vining