Wednesday, March 5, 2014

More Dating Advice From Andy Stanley

More Dating Advice From Andy Stanley


The short excerpt is by Andy Stanley, and the scripture is Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


When you’re dating, postpone the physical of your relationship as long as possible.  I’ve never heard anyone say to me, “I think our relationship would have been better and healthier if we had gotten physical faster.”  I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve heard people say that they got physical too quick.  By physical, I’m not even talking about sex.


Avoid living together.  Look at the research.  There is no evidence at all that living together prepares anyone for marriage.  The opposite is true.  Couples who live together have a far higher chance of divorce.  The individual that has lived with two or three people, it is almost a 0 percent possibility for them that their first marriage will last.  I understand this about statistics.  It’s only important if it supports that which you are currently doing.  No one ever makes relationship decisions based on statistics because you think that you are going to be the exception.  However, living together is not a path to happily ever after. 


Non Christians, don’t date a Christian unless you plan to become one.  When a Christian dates a non Christian they do not accept you the way that you are.  They want you to become a Christian.  As a non Christian you would be better off finding an honest pagan because they will accept you just the way that you are.  If you marry them, they are going to want to find a church, and then when you have a kid they want your kids raised in church.  If they are sleeping with you, it’s even worse because now you are dating a Christian who is a hypocrite.  You don’t like hypocrites, and you are in love with one.  It’s just a mess!


Get involved with your local church.  I meet couples all of the time that started volunteering at their local church, and then they meet somebody whose flow is in the same direction.  In serving you are more likely to find the people whose lives and lifestyles are in synch with the ones that you are trying to establish.  If you go to the right places, the chances are likely that you will meet the right people. 


No matter what you’ve done wrong or how you may have messed up in the past, going forward, you get to get it right.  You get to make decisions now that will enable you to stand at the altar and say “I do” and be able to keep that promise.”  Do the difficult work of becoming a whole person in order to become someone worth pursuing, winning and loving. 


Champions, have a great week!-David Vining