An Introduction to Another Life
The short excerpt is by Larry Crab from his book, The Pressure's Off, and the Scripture is Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
In September 2001, airplanes hijacked by terrorists crashed into New York's World Trade Center and into the Pentagon. Religious leaders tried to reassure an unnerved citizenry by saying, "God is in control."
What do we mean to say that God is in control? What should we mean? And what comfort are we to draw from whatever we mean? If God does exist and if He really is in control, it's patently clear that He isn't doing all He could to relieve suffering.
I cannot even approach an answer to these age-old questions without first fixing two thoughts firmly in my mind. First, this life is only an introduction to another life, for followers of Jesus a better one. Suffering could have a future point that justifies letting it continue in order to do its work.
The second thought is this: God is devoting His power to an agenda I don't properly value. We want the better life and we trust God to provide it. After all, He is in control. He can give it all to us, so we set about to persuade Him to use His power on our behalf. Somehow we've missed the arrogance in this thinking. Believing that our greatest need is to be happy, safe, and fulfilled is all about us. And we believe, deep down, that we're entitled to whatever we think we need.
God is in control of seeing to it that nothing thwarts His plan for His people. Is that plan to give us a better life now, as we define it? No. It's to reveal Himself as the greatest treasure the human heart could ever imagine, to draw people into a relationship with Him that utterly delights their souls.
This life is only an introduction to another life, for followers of Jesus a better one.
Champions, have a great week!-David Vining