Creation or an Accident
Dear Champions,
The short excerpt is by Tim Keller from New York City, and the Scripture is Genesis 1:1,27 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. . . .God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
A secular person is saying that as far as he knows this world is an accident, human life is an accident, and we are the accidental collocation of molecules. If he thinks out the implications of this, then he is saying that there is no reason for attributing to a man a significance different from that which belongs to a baboon or to a grain of sand. If nothing has any purpose and everything is an accident and there is no design, then there is no reasonable basis to say that a human being is any more valuable than a rock. There is no right and wrong but just power, and there is no moral obligation to live any particular way.
The average secular person just does not go there. They say, Yes, I agree that as far as I know this world is an accident, but I know that people are valuable. I also know that injustice and violence is wrong, and there is a right and a wrong.
For those of you who believe this, that is fine. However, you are getting your peace by refusing to think out the implications of your own view because right and wrong means that there is a design and a reason for things. What the Bible says is that this world was created by a God who wanted our friendship and even though we have turned away from Him, He has come down in the form of His Son to get us back. If you believe and understand that, then think of how valuable is every human life and how significant is your life.
Champions, have a great week!-David Vining