Blaming Others
Dear Champions,
The short excerpt is by Larry Richards, and the Scripture is Genesis 3:12 The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate.
In Mastering Personal Growth, Gordon MacDonald asks the following question: Am I blaming others for the things that are my own fault, the result of my own choices?
This question is important because we have a way of rationalizing our behavior. Sometimes we blame our husband or wife for our sin or unhappiness. Many blame parents, teachers, Satan, or God. But listen to Job 36:13-15 (The Message): Angry people without God pile grievance upon grievance, always blaming others for their troubles. . . . But those who learn from their suffering, God delivers . . . .
Other people may complicate your life, but remember—as we stand before God, we are responsible for our own behavior. Acknowledging that, with confession and repentance, brings healing.
As long as a person blames others or God for trouble that he or she brings on him or herself, no healing can take place. The first step toward getting out of trouble is to admit that we are to blame! And the second step is to seek forgiveness.
Champions, have a great week!-David Vining