Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done
Dear Champions,
The short excerpt is by Tim Keller, and the Scripture is Mark 14:36 Abba, Father, Jesus said, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.
To pray Thy Will Be Done is to say, I owe you my submission and my allegiance whether I understand it or not, is the greatest opportunity for growth that you can possibly have.  If the essence of sin is not breaking the rules but it is making certain things too important to us, then the only way that you are going to get freedom from that is if God crosses your will and keeps something from you that is very important to you.  What if money is way too important to you?  You are probably not going to know it and as long as you have money you will be in a state of spiritual weakness.  You will be dependent on money for your significance and for your security instead of on God.  In other words, if you have your will when it comes to money, you are in a state of weakness, and you do not even know it.  Only when He crosses your will in an area like that will you start to get free.  Don t you want to be in a position where stuff and circumstances do not bother you, where nothing really gets you down, scares you, or angers you?  How would you get into that situation of freedom?  It will happen only when God crosses your will at so many places where you are too dependent on something, and you learn to say, My real riches are in Jesus.
Champions, have a great week!-David Vining